My Food


This will be a work in progress since I am always looking for new foods or better options to try.
Everything I list will be per 1 serving only.







Post-op Weeks 1-2 Full Liquid Diet…

Pre-Surgery 2 week diet requirement to shrink liver.

Pre-op Foods

All my food for the next 2 weeks before surgery! Individually packaged per day by my kids 🙂

The daily bags that my kids put together for me.

The daily bags that my kids put together for me.

Some of the snacks that didn’t get bagged so I have some room for cravings

Some of the snacks that didn’t get bagged so I have some room for cravings


4 thoughts on “My Food

  1. Pingback: Yummy Quick Snack… 10g of Protein! | Bariatric Sleeve Gastrectomy Journey

  2. Pingback: Blog Updates… | Bariatric Sleeve Gastrectomy Journey

  3. Yes to everything but the protein bars. The foods at the very bottom of the page are just things I found at the store that would be good choices for after my 6wk restriction. But the yogurt, beans, and potato are pretty much my entire diet right now. One more week to go!


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